I appreciate your focus on young potential star players, looking forward to checking out all these players this season.

I didn’t agree with your no-skate goals rule change, cause it’s been that way so long (and I remember the battles over skates in the crease no goals), and the kicking motion is mostly obvious with reviews.

It occurred to me though, and I could be wrong, that any deflection off a glove is a no goal. So why is there a no-glove goal rule, but skate deflections are mostly allowed? I’d think cause hand passes aren’t allowed. Kick passes are; then why not kicking motion goals? So would your no-skate goal rule also mean no kick skate passes? Probably not.

Any change here would be controversial I’d think.

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Thanks for the thoughtful comment! I can see your perspective regarding the distinct kicking motion. I just find the inconsistency maddening. As for goals off a glove/body part, those are actually allowed so long as the act isn't "deliberate." In other words, another judgment call. IMO the more cut-and-dry, the better.

With that said, you're 100% correct in saying that this sort of change would be met with some resistance.

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